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Facebook Changes News Feed and Here’s the 4 Things You Must Do

Facebook continues to make changes in how posts from Pages show in someone’s feed and this January Facebook will begin limiting the number of promotional posts people see. This won’t reduce (and according to Facebook, it won’t increase) ads shown in the feed, it will limit what Facebook deems as overly promotional organic posts. “The […]

Integrate Social Everywhere

What are your biggest marketing campaigns this year? What is the social layer for the campaign? The social what? The social layer. What is the tactical plan for implementing your marketing campaign in social media? Do you have a specific hashtag campaign? YouTube videos? Microsite? Influencer outreach campaign? Blood Water Mission does this very effectively integrating offline […]

5 Keys to an Effective Social Media Campaign

Social media marketing success takes time, effort, and commitment; especially when a direct and immediate benefit is not seen. Regularly posting quality content that adds value, participating regularly, and engaging your network will pay off in terms of raising brand awareness, enhancing public relations, and building company advocates; sales and leads will come as well. […]

Your Employees Are in Social Media, Why Not Turn Them Into Advocates?

In the past, organizations have tried to control how employees post in social media. Fearing what employees could say, these organizations would hamper their best advocates when they could use the medium to promote the mission and goals. There is always risk for a nonprofit organization to unleash their employees to become advocates, but the […]

Be Consistent With Your Voice

Your donors consume multiple channels of information: direct mail, commercials, website, blog, email, events, and social media. Be consistent with your messaging and voice across these channels. Be creative and have fun in social media, but make sure you don’t throw off your donors by presenting a completely different image of your organization in social […]